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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

The author guidelines for the International Journal of Science, Technology and Engineering (IJSTE) are designed to ensure the clarity, consistency, and academic rigor of submitted manuscripts, facilitating the effective communication of research findings within the global scientific community. The following is the basic outline of the manuscript with the corresponding journal template.


The title should be concise and descriptive, reflecting the main topic and findings of the research. Avoid abbreviations or technical jargon that may not be widely understood.


List all authors' full names, institutional affiliations, and corresponding addresses. For multiple authors from different institutions, use superscript numbers to link each author to their respective institution.


Include the dates of receipt, revision, and acceptance of the manuscript. This information is typically added by the editorial office during the publication process.


The abstract provides a brief yet comprehensive summary of the research, capturing its essence in a concise manner. It should clearly state the study’s objectives, providing a snapshot of the problem being addressed. The methodology should be described succinctly, outlining the approach used without excessive details. The key findings must be highlighted, emphasizing the most significant results without repeating data from the main text. Finally, the conclusion should present the study’s primary takeaways and potential implications. The abstract should be written in a way that allows readers to understand the study’s relevance briefly. To enhance discoverability, a set of keywords related to the study should be included. The abstract should not exceed 250 words and must maintain clarity and coherence.


Include 3 to 5 keywords that accurately reflect the content of your article. These should be specific and relevant to the main topics discussed in the manuscript.


The introduction establishes the foundation of the research by providing background information on the topic. It should present an overview of existing literature, discussing prior studies and identifying gaps that necessitate further investigation. This section must clearly define the research problem, articulating why the study is important and relevant. The research objectives should be explicitly stated, outlining the specific aims of the study. Additionally, the introduction should explain the significance of the research, demonstrating its potential contribution to academic knowledge, industry advancements, or community impact. The introduction must maintain a logical flow, transitioning smoothly from general background information to the specific research questions or hypotheses.


The methods section provides a detailed account of the research process, ensuring that the study can be replicated by other researchers. It should clearly describe the research design, specifying whether the study is experimental, descriptive, qualitative, quantitative, or a mixed-methods approach. Information about the participants or study area must be included, detailing the selection criteria, sample size, and any relevant demographic characteristics. The data collection procedures should be thoroughly explained, identifying the tools, instruments, or technologies used. Any analytical techniques, whether statistical or qualitative, must be outlined to clarify how the data was processed and interpreted. Ethical considerations, such as informed consent, confidentiality, and institutional approvals, should be mentioned if applicable. The methods section should be structured logically, allowing readers to follow the research process step by step.


The results section presents the key findings of the study, organizing them in a clear and systematic manner. Data should be reported objectively, with an emphasis on trends, patterns, and significant observations. Visual aids such as tables, graphs, and figures can be used to enhance clarity and facilitate understanding. The interpretation of results should be limited to observations rather than in-depth analysis, which will be addressed in the discussion or conclusion sections. If applicable, comparisons to previous studies should be noted to contextualize the findings. The results should be structured logically, ensuring coherence and readability.


This section synthesizes the study’s main findings, aligning them with the research objectives. It should emphasize the significance of the results and their implications within the field of study. Any contributions to knowledge, practice, or policy should be highlighted, demonstrating the value of the research. Additionally, this section should acknowledge any limitations encountered during the study, such as constraints in methodology, sample size, or external factors that may have influenced the findings. Practical recommendations should be provided based on the study’s conclusions, offering actionable insights for researchers, practitioners, or policymakers. Finally, potential areas for further research should be suggested to encourage future investigations that build upon the study’s findings.


The acknowledgment section expresses gratitude to individuals and organizations that contributed to the research. It should recognize institutional support, such as universities, research centers, or funding agencies that provided resources or financial assistance. Additionally, specific individuals who played a role in data collection, analysis, or manuscript preparation should be acknowledged. Contributions from colleagues, mentors, and reviewers should also be recognized, as their input may have helped improve the quality of the study. If the research was funded by a grant or sponsorship, the funding source and grant number should be mentioned. This section should be written professionally and concisely, ensuring all key contributors receive appropriate recognition.


This section ensures transparency regarding the use of artificial intelligence tools in the research process. Authors must explicitly state whether AI-assisted tools were utilized at any stage, such as for data analysis, language refinement, or image generation. If AI tools were employed, their specific functions should be mentioned, ensuring that their role is clearly defined. This declaration reassures readers and reviewers that the study maintains originality, accuracy, and adherence to ethical research practices. Regardless of AI assistance, the authors remain fully responsible for the integrity and validity of the research findings.


The references section provides a comprehensive list of all sources cited in the research paper. It ensures proper credit is given to previous studies, supporting the credibility of the research. All references must follow a standardized citation format, such as APA 7th edition, to maintain consistency and professionalism. Every in-text citation should have a corresponding entry in the reference list, with full bibliographic details to allow readers to locate the sources. The references should be arranged alphabetically, ensuring clarity and ease of access. Proper referencing reflects academic integrity and demonstrates a thorough engagement with existing literature.


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