Submission to Publication Process

This process underscores the principles guiding manuscript submissions, evaluations, and the overall editorial process. This policy ensures transparency, ethical standards, and adherence to guidelines, contributing to the integrity of the publication process. Authors are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the publication policy to ensure a mutual understanding between authors and the journal regarding the expectations and standards governing scholarly contributions.

Submission of the manuscript. Authors are required to submit their original manuscripts in accordance with the journal's guidelines and specified format. Manuscripts should be submitted through the designated online submission system or via email.

Pre-evaluation of the manuscript. Upon submission, the head of scientific publications will conduct a pre-evaluation to ensure that the manuscript aligns with the journal's scope, guidelines, and basic quality standards. The results of the pre-evaluation will be communicated to the corresponding authors and the Editor-in-Chief by the head of scientific publications.

Assignment of Peer reviewer. If the manuscript passes the pre-evaluation, the Editor-in-Chief assigns two peer reviewers based on their subject matter expertise. The third reviewer is either the Editor-in-Chief or the Associate Editor. The peer review process is conducted as a single-blind review to maintain objectivity

Review of the manuscript. Peer reviewers assess the manuscript for its quality, validity, and contribution to the field. They provide constructive feedback and recommendations for improvement.

Submission of the result of the review. Before submitting the review results, the Editor-in-Chief will prepare a summary of the review. Authors will then receive a formal notification from the Editor-in-Chief indicating whether their manuscript has been accepted, requires revisions, or has been rejected.

Submission of the revised manuscript. If revisions are requested, authors should promptly submit the revised manuscript along with the completed review matrix form. The Editor-in-Chief will review the revision matrix and communicate with the reviewers to ensure that the necessary revisions have been made. 

Proofreading and language editing. The language editor proofreads all the articles and suggests changes if necessary. The changes will be communicated with the authors prior to the finalization of the articles.

Submission of the copyright transfer form. Upon acceptance, authors are typically required to submit a copyright transfer form. This form grants the journal the necessary rights to publish, distribute, and archive the accepted work.

Lay outing of the manuscript for publication. The accepted and finalized manuscript undergoes layout and formatting processes conducted by the scientific publication staff. This includes copyediting, typesetting, and ensuring adherence to the journal's style and format.

Checking of the camera-ready articles. The editor in chief and associate editor will check all the camera-ready articles for recommendations for publication.

Inform the author of the publication issue. Once the manuscript is laid out and recommended for publication, the author is informed of the specific issue or volume in which their work will be published.