Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

Ensuring the trustworthiness and credibility of journals is crucial, in upholding publication ethics. These principles serve to maintain standards in publishing and ensure the reliability of research findings. Various stakeholders, such as journal editors, authors, reviewers and publishers, all play roles in preserving these standards. These statements are derived from COPEs Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and the Code of Conduct, for Journal Publishers.

The role of a journal Publisher involves setting goals, defining the journal's scope, identifying its target audience, and establishing its mission. Financial management is a key responsibility, as the publisher oversees budgets, revenue generation, and financial resources to ensure the journal's sustainability.

The role of Scientific Publication Head involves providing overall leadership and strategic direction for the scientific publication office. The responsibilities include developing and implementing policies and guidelines for manuscript submission, peer review, and publication processes. The Scientific Publication Head must collaborate closely with the editorial board, authors, and stakeholders to enhance the quality and impact of published content. Additionally, the role requires initiating and overseeing research conferences and collaborations both locally and internationally. Managing the technical aspects of online platforms and ensuring adherence to ethical standards are also key duties. The Scientific Publication Head is also responsible for making final decisions on manuscript acceptance, revisions, or rejections and managing the budgetary and operational aspects of the office. Representing the journal at conferences and events is also a critical component of this role.

,The Technical and Management Consultants provide expert advice on the technical aspects of journal operations, such as digital infrastructure, workflow management, and process optimization. They also offer guidance on management strategies to enhance efficiency, streamline publication processes, and ensure that the journal effectively meets its operational goals.

,The Website Consultants are responsible for maintaining and enhancing the journal's online presence. They work on improving the website's design, accessibility, and overall performance to attract readers and authors while facilitating a seamless user experience.

,Members of the Editorial Board

,The Editor-in-Chief oversees the entire editorial process, ensuring adherence to ethical guidelines and policies.

,The Associate Editor assists the Editor-in-Chief by overseeing specific sections, ensuring the completeness and accuracy of publications, contributing to strategic planning, and serving as the final reader of camera-ready articles.

,The International Advisory Board composed of experts from diverse geographic and academic backgrounds, provides strategic guidance on editorial policies, helps internationalize the journal's scope, and offers insights into emerging trends and research priorities worldwide.

,The Language Editor focuses on editing and proofreading manuscripts for linguistic accuracy, clarity, and adherence to style guides.

,The Web/OJS Administrator manages the technical aspects of the online platform, ensuring its functionality, security, and user-friendliness.

,The Scientific Publication Staff plays a supportive role, assisting in manuscript coordination, handling administrative tasks, and communicating with authors and reviewers.

,The Peer reviewers assess the quality of the research presented in a manuscript. They conduct an examination of the research design, methodology, data collection, and analysis to ensure that it meets standards of validity and reliability. Reviewers provide detailed feedback to authors, guiding them in refining their work by addressing any weaknesses and acknowledging the strengths of the research. Reviewers also have a responsibility to uphold ethical standards by evaluating whether the research has been conducted with integrity, adhering to guidelines, and complying with regulations. They may raise concerns about issues such as plagiarism, data fabrication, or conflicts of interest. Additionally, reviewers assess the clarity and coherence of the manuscript, including the organization of content, writing style, and effective presentation of results. Clear communication of the research is essential for both the academic community and a broader readership. Reviewers also provide recommendations to editors regarding whether or not a manuscript is suitable for publication.

,The Authors are responsible for conceptualizing, designing, and conducting the research. They must write the manuscript in accordance with journal guidelines, ensure the integrity of the data, and conduct appropriate analyses. Authors are also expected to adhere to ethical standards throughout the research process and respond to peer reviewers' comments by making necessary revisions.

,Peer Review Process

,The peer review process should be conducted transparently, fairly, and without bias. Editors should select qualified reviewers who have no conflicts of interest. Reviewers are expected to provide objective feedback.

,The article is reviewed by at least two reviewers chosen from among our editors, international advisory board members, and experts within their respective fields. If there is a conflict between the two initial reviews, a third reviewer will be assigned to conclude the review process. The journal employs a single-blind review process, in which the identities of the reviewers are concealed. Additionally, the journal uses the Open Journal System (OJS) for paper submissions and to track the progress of submitted articles.

,Authorship and Contribution

,Authors must have made significant contributions to both the research and the writing of the manuscript. All listed authors should have agreed to submit the manuscript and be aware of their responsibilities. Honorary authorship and ghostwriting are not acceptable practices, and all contributors must be appropriately acknowledged.

,Originality of the manuscript

,Manuscripts should be original works, and authors must properly cite all sources of information used. Plagiarism, including self-plagiarism, is strictly prohibited.

,Data Integrity

,Authors are responsible for ensuring the accuracy and integrity of the data presented in their manuscripts. Manipulation or falsification of data is considered unethical behavior.

,Conflict of Interest

,Authors are expected to disclose any personal or professional conflicts of interest that may affect the research or interpretation of results. Editors and reviewers must also declare any conflicts of interest and recuse themselves from the review process if necessary.

,Editorial Independence

,Editors' decisions regarding the merit of a manuscript should solely rely on its quality, without being influenced by external factors.

,Ensuring Ethical Treatment of Human and Animal Subjects

,When conducting research involving human or animal subjects, it is vital to adhere to ethical standards, which include obtaining consent and seeking approval from ethical review boards.

,Clear Communication of Publication and Authorship Policies

,Journals should effectively communicate their policies on authorship, peer review, and publication to both authors and readers, ensuring that all parties involved understand these guidelines.

,Correction of Published Works

,In cases where errors or misconduct are identified in published works, journals must take responsibility and promptly undertake retractions or corrections to maintain the integrity of the research.


,Journals need to establish and clearly communicate their copyright and licensing policies. Authors should be fully aware of these terms, including any agreements related to copyright transfer or licensing. Authors must submit a completed copyright agreement to the publisher when the manuscript is accepted for publication.

,Promoting Open Access and Accessibility

,Journals should strive to provide open access to research findings to facilitate the dissemination of knowledge. Additionally, they should consider accessibility for both authors and readers from diverse backgrounds.

,Transparency in Editorial Processes

,It is essential for journals to maintain transparency in their editorial and review processes. This ensures that authors, reviewers, and readers have confidence in the integrity of the publication.

,Timely Corrections and Retractions

,When errors or misconduct are detected in published works, journals must act promptly by issuing corrections or retractions, demonstrating a commitment to maintaining accuracy within the research community.

,Open Access

,The journal operates as an open-access platform, with all articles freely available online.

,Author Fees

,The online publication of the journal is free of charge for the first year of operation.

,Publication Schedule

,The journal's regular issue is published twice a year, with a maximum of three special issues published annually.